Bulletproof My Financial Foundation | Matheny Advisory
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Bulletproof My Financial Foundation

Getting started or already on your way?

At Matheny Advisory Group, we do not just focus on one area of your finances, we provide an all encompassing solution based on every aspect of your personal and financial security.  We bring together all of your different advisors and agents in one room and generate a solution that is tailored specifically around your personal needs in a way that is most beneficial to you. If you do not have an agent for a specific area, we can recommend one who is used by clients in similar situations to yours to ensure that they are the best possible person for the job.

You have aligned yourself with various micro-managers to assist with your financial decision making. These micro-managers are specialists in their particular area of expertise.  Without a macro-manager, you are left with the complex responsibility of tying all of your financial decisions together.  This presents many problems because you neither have the time nor the expertise in each area to evaluate the performance of your micro-managers.  Our presence enables your micro-managers to better perform their services.  In addition, our expertise in wealth creation, distribution and conservation strategies shall improve the overall performance of your plan.

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